It is always tempting to get cash rewards in exchange for the points you earn from taking surveys. Nothing bad about it but sometimes survey companies have great rewards options for certain merchandises and other rewards. Say for instance you have a choice between cash credits or checks from your survey sites, I suggest you get whatever has a bigger value to it.
In any case you prefer not to have any specific merchandise or not ever cash value, leisure rewards are always good to claim. Such kind of rewards will really require huge amount of survey points to buy a discount for your favorite entertainment places like the circus and theatrical shows. Stacking some points can help you achieve your goal if not in full coverage or at least part of it.
How I wish I can get my own property through survey points but logically speaking, it won't be as easy as it seems. Even if you check Hawaii Real Estate to locate homes or sale, surveys won't do all the trick.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Stacking Some Points
Friday, July 22, 2011
Why Are Paid Surveys Popular?
I read an article by Todd McDaniels who is also the webmaster of (a great resource site for survey takers like you and me. The article talked about why paid surveys are so popular and the realities that encompass the whole concept. I could not have agreed any better with McDaniels. Yes it is theoretically, a fantastic way to earn some extra cash on the side from the very comfort of your own home. You do a public service by providing data to companies that will result in better products which later then results into more sales. And you get paid for it. This is why it is popular. Not to mention that you do it when you want, where you want. McDaniels balances this positivity with some realities that people not may see because of being overwhelmed with the good things. Some of the realities discussed are the fact that it may not be enough income to take as a full time job and that it would be tough to get into the thousands bracket. But the hundreds bracket is definitely foreseeable. Yes anyone can take these surveys but it may not be available for all countries, so be prepared for this. Also, you should not have to pay to participate in paid surveys, watch out for companies that require a fee to get started. Be patient and you will be underway in making some extra cash.
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I own a hair salon in Houston and it’s really great since it’s what I’ve wanted to do since I was a little girl. Business has been great since we moved in and although there are several other salons nearby I think ours is the best! The worst thing that happened since I opened the place was when we got broken into the first month – that was a real wake up call. I immediately went to to make the place more secure and I started locking up all the cash each night in the safe so no one could get in and steal it. I’ve decorated the place I always imagined it would be and I think the customers really appreciate the touches I’ve put in. I love being a salon owner and not just doing hair anymore and I feel like it’s always been my calling to be an entrepreneurial business woman! I feel totally independent and I know my friends and family are really proud of me which makes it all worth it.
The Author of this post is Cheryl Martinez
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